Friday, September 28, 2007


I told you I wouldn't always be able to write. It is end of level (we have 4 levels per term, 2 terms per semester, and three semesters per year) and I am swamped. I haven't even read my email for 3 days...sorry to all of you who wrote me. I love my job, but the first year is stressful with a lot of extra hours put in. I was here until 11:00 pm on Wed. I'm getting better though. Once I'm completely organized I'll be OK.
Love to you all!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

...and round and round and round it goes...

I have never blogged before and I can't promise that I will keep it up, but I do want to author a book one day and I know that the best way to hone the skills I will need is to write every day. (How's that for my first run-on sentence?)
Anyway, I was reading Latu's blog about "small brother" and it reminded me of Chris, and me, and Pam, and...well, just about all of us at one time or another. What I really wanted to write about was another "Darlism." Friday night, Latu was at the house downloading church hymns to her i-Pod and she had on the song Come, Thou Fount sung by BYU Combined Choir. Soon after, Darl asked her if she could download that song to his i-Pod. Latu was touched and said "there's hope for him after all!" I just laughed knowing that there always has been hope :) Anyway, last night Vili asked me to get his clothes ready because he was going to church today. Darl's response? "Oh Dad, I'm so glad you're going to come to church tomorrow, because I made a life-changing decision last night. That song just...I don't just touched my heart or something and I decided I am going to be a Mormon and I didn't want to go to church without you." I laughed and told him he already was a Mormon. He told me yeah, but now he was going because he wanted to. Needless to say, I had to turn away quickly so he didn't see the tears. I said a quick, silent prayer of thanks to my Heavenly Father for continuously blessing me even when I don't deserve it. (Later I asked Him to thank mom, grandparents, and Lile also)
It also made me sad, because my second thought was that I wanted to call mom and tell her. Then I realized I couldn't and I couldn't breath for a few minutes. I miss you mommy!